Monday, May 12, 2008

I spent all weekend working on wedding stuff...for other people! I came up with this idea for coasters (which you will also see at our wedding) and the business has taken off! I guess brides love the idea of having "Eat, Drink & be Married" coasters! I have to admit, they are pretty cute. So I produced over 800 coasters on Saturday and now I just need to get them shipped out. It's really fun though - and it gives me an excuse to be crafty!

This weekend we have our day long Engaged Encounter at the Catholic church. I am curious to see what this will be all about. I am optimistic that we might get something out of it. Time will tell.

We planted a "garden" this weekend. I use the term loosely. It's really two tomato plants in pots and some mini-pumpkins that I doubt will grow. I hope we get something since this is our first adventure into gardening!

On a personal note, my 30th birthday is coming up. I'm not sure how I feel about that!

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