Friday, June 27, 2008

Three months!

Exactly three months from right now our ceremony will be ending and Pat and I will be married! We have so many exciting (and sometimes stressful) things going on!

I am in the middle of making our invitations. Yes, I said making them and yes, I am crazy. They're quite the labor of love, but I really do love them and I can't get enough craft projects.

All the major things are done and now we're down to the fun details. We have a meeting with our priest Monday night to plan the wedding liturgy and to talk about the logistics of it all. We also have to go over the results of our FOCCUS test that we took months ago!

So things are moving right along. We're having a lot of fun planning everything and I love that we're both on board with all that we're doing.

I know these next three months are going to FLY by, especially with everything we have going on. Not to mention summers usually go by too quickly anyway. I'm so anxious for 9/27!